While I surf the web I am sure to be extremely cautious. I depend on my computer for numerous things that mean a great deal to me. I believe that the computer is a huge necessity when striving to succeed in college, and along with my passion for music all of my audio files on I-tunes are essential as well. Although like everyone else I’ve had a virus. This situation is very irritating, and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. I use programs like guitar pro and fruit loops frequently. Well like I said I’ve been there and done that and all I can say is be safe and aware of what you’re doing at all times on the Internet and things should be pretty copasetic. (A) Don’t be a fool; you shouldn’t give any unnecessary information on the web such as your real age or gender, and (B) Don’t visit sites that say anything about “finding your true love if you click the purple duck running across the monitor” that would be pretty ignorant.
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